Results of the election of representatives

Results of the election of Representatives and candidates for Representative Director of the Environmental DNA Society

The election of Representatives and candidates for the Representative Director (term: September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2024) was conducted online from July 1~31, 2022. There were 66 total votes cast.

The following member was elected as a candidate for Representative Director as a result of the election.
MINAMOTO, Toshifumi

The following ten members were elected as Representatives.
KONDOH, Michio; MINAMOTO, Toshifumi; UCHII, Kimiko; YAMANAKA, Hiroki; SEINO, Satoquo; KASAI, Akihide; TAKAHARA, Teruhiko; MIYA, Masaki; ARAKI, Hitoshi; DOI, Hideyuki. (Order by membership number)

We appreciate your cooperation.

Environmental DNA Society
Election Management Committee for FY2022 and FY2023

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